Your FREE Download

Below is your invaluable tool to educate your patients and parents on the ingredients of vaccines.

Download the Vaccine Adjuvant Worksheet pdf file HERE  or click on the image below. Print it out in color, double sided and laminate it. Place one in every treatment room in your clinic. Have it saved on your phone, tablet or computer ready to use to educate others.

Watch this tutorial video!

In this tutorial video I explain how to best use this tool. We use it almost daily in our clinic and I have found it to be extremely helpful in educating patients and parents.

While the Vaccine Adjuvant Worksheet pdf file is the tool I use the most, I want you to know ALL of the research I have collected.

I have assembled over 8 hours of recorded material that unpacks every talking point and information listed on the Vaccine Adjuvant Worksheet.

I want you to become a Warrior when it comes to vaccines. When you enroll today, enter code WARRIOR100 at check out and save $100 off the course price. Be sure to add in a course manual to have all the references at the tip of your finger tips.

Vaccinated Solutions Online Course

Enter code WARRIOR100 at check out and save $100 off the course price. Course Manual must be added separately. 

We help cultivate practitioners. Watch this interview with Dr. Tootoonchi, DC.

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