Dr. Royal Lee, the founder of Standard Process Farm, believed that each individual’s unique nutritional requirements are best evaluated through a consultation with a health care professional. We are a team of natural health professionals that he would be proud of. One of the reasons that the Standard Process prefers to only sell their whole food vitamins through professionals is Quality Control.
These whole food concentrated formulas are made up of raw and living whole foods that are to be kept in a controlled environment. 80% of the ingredients are grown right on their regenerative farm in Palmyra, Wisconsin.
Always know where your food comes from to ensure:
1. It contains the nutrition your body requires.
2. No added chemicals (pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, dyes, etc) entered your food supply that can potentially build up in your body and cause problems.
Standard Process was founded in 1929 by Dr. Royal Lee. Over the past 90 years Standard Process formulas have been utilized by thousands of doctors on millions of patients as part of a successful nutritional program. The following information is based on clinical experience and is not a claim to diagnose, treat or render a cure for any health condition. The following is based on clinical experience and not by Standard Process.
Protomorphogens are like homeopathics. They promote healing over time. Protomorphagen formulas are composed of nuclear proteins and used to supply a better RNA/DNA template so that the body can assemble available nutrients to repair damaged tissue in the glands and/or organs being treated.